Thursday, March 25, 2010


1. Israeli Cartoon Museum
a. The Israeli Cartoon Museum is a currently unopened museum in the Holon province of Israel, featuring mainly political cartoons and illustrations, which often feature biting and humorous comedy commenting on current political debates.
2. Andy Warhol Museum – Wild Raspberries Exhibit
a. The Andy Warhol Museum is currently featuring the Wild Raspberries exhibit, which features many humor illustrations with text written by Suzie Frankfurt.
3. Mark Twain Museum
a. The Mark Twain Museum is dedicated to the works of Mark Twain, famous American humorist and satirist whose works include The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn as well as many other short stories.
4. Museum of Broadcast Communications – Richard Pryor Exhibit
a. The Museum of Broadcast Communications is currently featuring a Richard Pryor exhibit, honoring the comedian Richard Pryor, who focused on racial humor and criticizing current race relations and society as a whole.
5. Museum of Humor
a. The Museum of Humor, referred to as El Museo de Humor, is located in Spain and focuses on humorous artists and painters.

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